March 2017 TBR


Hey everyone!

First off, I would like to take a minute to thank all of you for all the love, support, and positivity you have been giving me since my last post! I am so thankful for each and every one of you, and I feel so blessed to be a part of such an incredible community of genuinely kindhearted people. You all give me so much strength and keep a smile on my face. You are all absolutely amazing! 🙂 ❤

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been going through the biggest reading slump I’ve ever had. I’ve had a difficult time focusing while reading, as well as just getting motivated enough to pick up a book. I DEFINITELY want to change this! I haven’t made a TBR in quite some time, but I think organizing my reading list a bit and setting some solid goals for myself would really help right now. So let’s give it a try (even though I’m super late this month!). I’ll also be posting some other TBR goals for this year in the coming weeks.

Right now, I mainly need to catch up on some of my ARCs and review copies, so most of my list will fall into this category.

March TBR

Doctor Who: The American Adventures by Justin Richards


I was recently sent a few books by the lovely Sarah from Smith Publicity for review (thank you, Sarah!), and I absolutely can’t wait to pick them up! This first one is a collection of Doctor Who short stories, and I plan to read them throughout the course of the month.

If I Run by Terri Blackstock


This was another of the books that I was sent for review. It is the first novel of a very exciting-sounding mystery series, which is definitely right up my alley. I am reading and reviewing an ARC of the second book in the series—which is being released later this month—so of course, I have to get going on this first one!

If I’m Found by Terri Blackstock


The last book I was sent is, of course, the ARC of the second book in this mystery series. This is another one of my priority reads!

Big Mushy Happy Lump by Sarah Andersen


I just recently discovered Sarah Andersen’s work, so as soon as I saw this on Netgalley, I knew I had to request a copy! It looks like a really quick fun and hilarious read. I’m really looking forward to it!

A Soul to Take by Emily Taylor


I was contacted recently about participating in a blog tour for a few upcoming releases, and the first one on the list is this YA paranormal/dystopian novel. My date for review is March 23rd, so I’ve definitely got to get going on this one!

Proof of Lies by Diana Rodriguez Wallach


This is another novel I was recently sent by the publisher—the first book in a new YA mystery series. It sounds like it is going to be full of fast-paced action, intrigue, and spies, and definitely promises to be an exciting read.

The Outs by E.S. Wesley


One more novel that I was sent for review recently was The Outs by E.S. Wesley. This is another new dystopian YA novel, and we already know how much I love them! So I thought this would be a good one to pick up this month, if I have the time.

The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco


This is a novel I totally should have read back during Halloween, but horror/thriller novels are great at any time of the year! This particular book was recommended to me by my good friend, and fellow blogger, Heather from The Sassy Book Geek. Heather and I have extremely similar tastes in novels, so I think I’m really going to enjoy this read quite a lot. Also, Heather wrote a wonderful review of The Girl from the Well, so make sure to head over to her blog and check that out!

This list is probably a bit ambitious considering the amount of March we have left, but I’m hoping to get through a decent chunk of it! What have you guys been reading this month? Let me know down in the comments. 🙂



Top 10 Tuesday – November 3rd, 2015


Happy Tuesday, everyone! It’s time for the first Top 10 Tuesday list of November. This is an original weekly blog meme created over at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week, there is a new bookish topic for bloggers to create a list about. If you want to know more about Top 10 Tuesday, click here!

This week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic is either the top ten debut authors who have you looking forward to their sophomore novel, or the top ten sophomore novels that you loved just as much if not more than the author’s debut. I have had to put my own little spin on this topic because I actually have not read many debut authors recently. I have a sizeable number of 2014 and 2015 debuts on my TBR, but I’ve only gotten to a few thus far. However, in the past year or so, I have also discovered a lot of new to me authors whose debuts are the only works I have read by them.

So for today’s list, I’m going to list the top seven authors who are either recent debut authors I’m anticipating the sophomore novel of, or authors with already published sophomore novels that I am dying to read. The final three will be authors I’ve read whose sophomore novels I think are as good or even better than their debuts.

Now that we are all sufficiently confused, let’s jump straight into these lists! 🙂

Authors Whose Sophomore Novels I’m Dying to Read

fallingintoplace jackaby loveandotherunknownvariables hyperboleandahalf

1. Amy Zhang – Falling into Place

Amy Zhang is a 2014 debut author. I read this novel at the end of last year and was extremely impressed by it. Not only was it a very well told and skillfully constructed story, but I was also stunned to find out that this was written by a teenager! Her next novel is coming out in March and I am very interested to read more of her work.

2. William Ritter – Jackaby

Jackaby is a 2014 debut novel and I read it back at the beginning of this year. It is one of my favorite novels I have read in 2015 so far, and I’ve been very much anticipating the sequel, Beastly Bones, which was just recently released. It is definitely going to be one of my next reads.

3. Shannon Lee Alexander – Love and Other Unknown Variables

This is a 2014 debut novel that I read late last year and completely fell in love with. It took me by surprise because it is not the type of novel that I would generally enjoy, or even think to give a try to be honest. But it was fantastic and I loved Shannon Lee Alexander’s writing and storytelling style. I’m not sure if there is a sophomore novel in the works, but I certainly hope there is.

4. Allie Brosh – Hyperbole and a Half

I read this last year and absolutely loved it; this is one of the funniest books I have ever read. There is supposedly a second novel coming out (Solutions and Other Problems), but the date keeps getting pushed back, so I’m not sure if or when it is coming. At least I still have her blog to tide me over!

redqueen cinder legend

5. Victoria Aveyard – Red Queen

I feel like I have been talking about Red Queen and Victoria Aveyard a lot lately; and I know that is strange because I was not all that thrilled with the novel. However, I am still eager to read more of Victoria Aveyard’s work, because I thought her writing style was excellent. I’m still trying to decide if I will be reading the next novel in the series, Glass Sword, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be giving it a try at some point.

6. Marissa Meyer – Cinder

Marissa Meyer is not a recent debut author; Cinder came out in 2012. However, I just discovered her last year, and began The Lunar Chronicles at the beginning of this year. So far, I have only read this first novel, but I adored it and I cannot wait to continue on with the rest of the books (something I will be doing quite soon!).

7. Marie Lu – Legend

Marie Lu is another author whose first book is not a recent release, but so far I have only read her debut novel, Legend, after discovering it last year. I was hooked immediately and I soon got a box set of the entire trilogy. I need to get to the next book as soon as possible; I am dying to see what happens in the final two novels!

Sophomore Novels That Are As Good Or Better Than Debuts

hp2chamber catchingfire wonderstruck

1. J.K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

This entire series is (obviously) absolutely fantastic all the way through. The Chamber of Secrets just so happens to be not only one of my favorite books ever, but my favorite of the series; it definitely had to make this list!

2. Suzanne Collins – Catching Fire

This is by far my favorite dystopian trilogy that I have ever read, and I’ve always found it incredibly hard to pick which of the novels is my favorite. Catching Fire was incredible, and is at the very least just as good as The Hunger Games. However, this may potentially be my favorite of the series; it’s just so hard to choose!

3. Brian Selznick – Wonderstruck

This is Brian Selznick’s second full novel and it is equally as good as his first, The Invention of Hugo Cabret. In fact, all three of his novels are absolutely spectacular; each one is a beautiful work of art. He is a very talented writer and artist, and easily makes this list!

Let me know in the comments which debut authors you’ve been enjoying this year and which sophomore novels you are dying to get your hands on!

