Top 5 Wednesday – March 8th, 2023


Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey at Gingerreadslainey and is now hosted by Laura (Laura A. Grace). Every week, book reviewers all over the world are given a bookish topic and respond with their top 5 books (or elements of books) that relate to that topic. Click here for the Goodreads group if you would like to learn more about Top 5 Wednesday and join in!

This week’s Top 5 Wednesday topic is, to celebrate International Women’s Day, choose five books written or co-written by female authors. I’ve read so many amazing books by female authors over the years, so it was incredibly difficult to narrow my list down to just five. All of the books I’ve chosen here are fairly well known and I’m sure many of you have read them already or at least heard of them. But in case you haven’t, I can’t recommend these books highly enough!

5. Vicious by V.E. Schwab


I’m a big Victoria Schwab fan and this is my absolute favorite book of hers. It’s a great combination of dark academia and a sci-fi, superhero/villain story. The plot brings up so many interesting questions about morality and how we define good and evil. It’s also a fascinating character study of very morally grey protagonists. This book was one of my first buddy reads and it was such a fun experience since there’s so much to discuss.

If you want to check out my full review of Vicious, click here!

4. Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb


I fell in love with this book so quickly. Robin Hobb has an incredible amount of talent for creating vivid characters that are so easy to become invested in and a world that is brought fully alive through her skillful writing style. She captures that classic fantasy feel so well. It’s also a book that I’ve always thought would be a great place to start if you’re wanting to get into reading high fantasy. Every aspect of the story is built up at just the right pace and it flows so fluidly all the way through. I’m so eager to dive back into this series.

If you want to check out my full review of Assassin’s Apprentice, click here!

3. Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor


Strange the Dreamer is one of the most beautifully written novels I’ve ever read. I picked this up to try a chapter and see if I was in the mood for it and the next thing I knew, I was halfway through. The story is both wonderful and heartbreaking, making for a very powerful reading experience that will stick with you long after finishing. I adored being with these characters and exploring the meticulously crafted world they live in.

2. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid


This book was one of the best surprises I had last year. I’d heard tons of great things about it, but genre-wise it was very out of my comfort zone so I didn’t really have plans to pick it up. However, last year I had a few friends finally convince me to give it a try and I’m so glad I did – it very quickly became a new favorite. This is a story with gorgeous writing and many well-portrayed and memorable characters. There’s plenty of diversity and representation, including some incredibly strong women that drive this plot. In so many ways, this book fits perfectly on this list.

1. Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson


I discovered Margaret Rogerson’s work a few years ago and Sorcery of Thorns was all it took for her to become one of my all-time favorite authors. A book about magical libraries is absolutely perfect for me. The characters are very lovable, the world is crafted so well, and the writing is gorgeous. It’s a very comforting and cozy read that feels so good to be immersed in. The whole experience can be summed up as truly magical.

What are some of your favorite books written by female authors? What are some books you love that feature strong female characters? Let me know in the comments!
