Top 10 Tuesday – October 29th, 2019


Happy Tuesday, everyone! It’s time for another Top 10 Tuesday list. This is an original weekly blog meme created over at The Broke and the Bookish, and it is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week, there is a new bookish topic for bloggers to create a list about. If you want to know more about Top 10 Tuesday, click here!

This week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic is a Halloween freebie, so I’ve decided to do the top ten books I would recommend reading around Halloween. I have done at least one Halloween reading list at some point in my time blogging, but I know that I usually focused on spooky/horror books. This time around, I do have some new favorites but these are not all horror novels—they are a mix of different genres that all have those autumn vibes. They are perfect to read on a chilly, cozy day (with a nice cup of tea, of course!). I’ll also leave links to any (always spoiler-free!) reviews I’ve done.

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (My review)


Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson


House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig


The Perfect Wife by J.P. Delaney (My review)


The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (My review)


His Hideous Heart edited by Dahlia Adler (My review)


The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones


City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab


Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb (My review)


A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (My review)


What books do you guys enjoy reading around this time of year? What are some of your most recent reads that have had those autumn vibes? Let me know in the comments!



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The Halloween Book Tag


Happy day before Halloween, everybody! Michelle over at Book Adventures just created The Halloween Book Tag and tagged me to do it. Thank you so much for the tag! If you haven’t seen Michelle’s blog yet, make sure to head on over and check it out!

Favorite scary must read for Halloween


The Shining by Stephen King – I have to agree with Michelle in her choice for this question and also say The Shining. It was also my top pick for my list of five Halloween must reads. This is one of the scariest books I have ever read, and I don’t scare easily. It is a horror classic by one of the masters of the genre, and a novel that everyone should give a try at least once in their lives, particularly if they are fans of Halloween.

Scariest book cover, like ever…

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Shutter by Courtney Alameda – I’ve not actually read this book and I don’t know much about it, but this cover is freaky! It totally creeps me out every time I see it, but it’s also pretty awesome because I like creepy stories. I definitely think I will have to look into reading this novel; see if it’s as scary as the cover.

Coraline by Neil Gaiman – This novel I have actually read and I can say that it really is as creepy as its cover. Coraline is actually another novel I would say is one of my favorite scary must reads for Halloween. This is a weird and somewhat disturbing story, and it is absolutely fantastic!

If you could pick any author to go trick or treating with, who would you pick?


I would love to go trick or treating with both Ransom Riggs and Tahereh Mafi. They both individually seem as if they are very kind people and like they would be fun to hang out with; and together, they are absolutely hilarious. It would be the most entertaining evening ever!

If you could dress up as any bookish character for Halloween, who would you be?


If I could dress up as any book character, I would probably pick Sherlock Holmes, as he is one of my all time favorites. Who wouldn’t want to pretend to be the greatest detective ever? I know I’m not a guy, but that’s fine; I think I could pull it off! Hermione would be another choice, but I actually already have dressed up as her for Halloween once when I was younger.

If you could find anything, from any book, in your trick or treat stash, what would you hope to find?


I would love to find the invisibility cloak in my trick or treat stash. This was always one of my favorite magical items from the Harry Potter world and I wish I could have my own. It might be kind of fun to sneak around and go exploring while under it, or to use when I want privacy. I could just hide under there while I read or write; it would be awesome. And I would totally use it strictly for good, and not to mess with anyone and make them think they were being haunted…no, I’d never do that… 🙂

In what fictional world would you like to go trick or treating?


I think I would like to go trick or treating in Narnia. It seems like it would be a place that is full of sumptuous food and delicious treats, so you could probably collect a pretty amazing haul there. Plus I just really want to go to Narnia!

What book villain would you not like to meet alone in a dark alley on Halloween?


I feel like this might be an obvious choice for a lot of people, but I would have to say Voldemort. First of all, he is an extremely evil and powerful wizard and, as a muggle, I would have absolutely no way of defending myself against him if he attacked. Also, he’s just totally creepy-looking. The whole “no nose” thing has always completely freaked me out, and I would not like to see that up close. However, if you’d like to send me a slightly younger version, I wouldn’t mind that quite as much…a little bit of eye candy while I’m running for my life…


Would you rather dress up as a vampire, zombie, werewolf, or a shadowhunter?


I must admit, I’m not a huge fan of any of these creatures, and I know absolutely nothing about shadowhunters because I’ve never read the novels. Zombies are my favorite, but I don’t think I would like to dress up as one. If I were to pick one to dress up as, I would probably choose vampire. I feel like, costume-wise, this would be more my style, and I guess I do like the idea of the more classic vampire.

Pick a candy (just one) from Harry Potter that you would love to find in your stash?


If I had to pick, I would definitely choose chocolate frogs. To be honest, the idea of them is a little creepy, since they actually move. But I think, if you can get past that, that they would be delicious. I also absolutely love the cards that come with them; they are so awesome. Despite the fact that I always have found them a bit weird, they are one of my favorite candies from the series, so I’d love to find one in my stash. And because…chocolate…

What is your favorite Halloween candy?


I have somehow already managed to mention in a post that I have a major addiction to Kit-Kats! I love Kit-Kats. They are my ultimate Halloween (or any time of year really) weakness!

I Tag:

Jen @ J.N. Cahill

Zezee @ Zezee with Books

Ava @ Bookishnessandtea

Paige @ Page by Paige

Kayla @ Bookedsolid1989


Lucía @ Making Days Better

And anyone else who wants to do it! 🙂


Top 5 Wednesday – October 28th, 2015


Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey at Gingerreadslainey. Every week, book reviewers all over the world are given a bookish topic and respond with their top 5 books (or elements of books) that relate to that topic. Click here for the Goodreads group if you would like to learn more about Top 5 Wednesday and join in!

This week’s Top 5 Wednesday topic is your top five Halloween book recommendations. Since this list is for Halloween, I was trying to think up some good ghost stories to put on here. However, as I was picking books for this topic, I was shocked to realize that I haven’t actually read all that many ghost/monster stories. This is insane because I absolutely love a good, creepy and otherworldly tale. So, since I am severely lacking in the ghost story department, I simply picked five generally creepy novels or stories that I’ve read.

I am a huge thriller/horror fan. I have read a lot of mysteries and psychological thrillers, and I love watching any spooky or thriller type movies. Many of the stories I write usually fall somewhere in the realm of horror as well. I’ve never really gotten scared by any books or movies so far, however, these are all novels that definitely sent a shiver down my spine! Though the books on this list do not all involve a supernatural storyline, they are all still perfect for this spooky time of year.

5. Through the Woods by Emily Carroll


I read this graphic novel around this time last year and enjoyed it so much. It is a collection of five eerie and enthralling horror stories. Emily Carroll has crafted a wonderful collection of ghostly tales that feel sort of likes myths or legends that people might pass around. The artwork, matching the tone of the stories perfectly, is hauntingly beautiful; out of all the graphic novels I’ve read, this had one of my favorite art styles. Through the Woods was such an enjoyable read, and I would highly recommend giving it a try. These dark and chilling tales will definitely put you in the Halloween mood.

4. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie


I tried to change things up and pick novels for this list that weren’t on my list yesterday, but this is one that I just had to mention again. It is a classic thriller novel, one of the best for all time in my opinion, and is bone-chilling without the use of ghosts and monsters. In fact, stories like this one, where the true monster is human, can make for the most compelling and frightening reads of all.

3. The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe


Basically anything by Edgar Allan Poe makes for a perfect Halloween read. Poe is a master at crafting beautifully written and thoroughly haunting tales that will stay with you long after you read them. My personal favorite stories of his are The Cask of Amontillado, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Masque of the Red Death, and The Tell-Tale Heart.

2. Coraline by Neil Gaiman


Back when Coraline first came out, a family member of mine gave it to me as a gift. My mom read it before I did, and it creeped her out so much that she actually hid the book from me. And of course, me being me, I subsequently snuck into her room, found it, and read it anyway without my parents knowing…but that’s beside the point! This is one of the most disturbing and unique books I have ever read, and I absolutely adore it. It is the book that first made me a fan of Neil Gaiman, who has been a huge inspiration to me in my own writing. His stories are quite strange and they are probably not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but I think that they are just fantastic and definitely perfect for Halloween!

1. The Shining by Stephen King


What Halloween reads list would be complete without one of the best horror novels of all time? This hair-raising and unsettling horror classic, written by one of the masters of the genre, is an absolute must-read. The Shining is genuinely terrifying, by far the scariest book that I’ve ever read, and it is one of my long-time favorites. I cannot recommend it highly enough! Though I do enjoy the original film as well, I would highly suggest, if you want to watch a production of this novel, watching the miniseries version from the 90’s with Steven Weber. Stephen King played a much bigger role in the making of this adaptation, so it is a lot closer to the actual novel itself.

What are your top favorite Halloween reads? Do you have any scary/spooky novels or short stories that you would recommend? Let me know in the comments!



Top 10 Tuesday – October 27th, 2015


Happy Tuesday, everyone! It’s time for another Top 10 Tuesday list. This is an original weekly blog meme created over at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week, there is a new bookish topic for bloggers to create a list about. If you want to know more about Top 10 Tuesday, click here!

I can’t believe we are already reaching the end of October! This week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic is a Halloween themed freebie; we can make up any Halloween related list that we want. Because I couldn’t decide between two topic ideas, I decided to include the second as a bonus part to this post. The first list is ten fall/Halloween reads that are not necessarily spooky but are still perfect for this time of year. The second part is my top ten favorite creepy book covers.

Part One: Fall/Halloween Reads

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1. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness – I picked this up last fall and it is definitely one of the best novels I have ever read. This novel ended up being absolutely nothing like what I had originally suspected it would be. I picked this to read near Halloween because it seemed like it would be a scary story focusing on ghosts or other supernatural monsters. Instead, it deals with a very different but equally frightening type of monster. It is a very dark and sad but ultimately beautiful story. This is a very surprising, creative, and absolutely gorgeously written novel that I cannot recommend enough.

2. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman – This would not be a true Halloween themed list if I did not add at least one Neil Gaiman novel to it! He is one of my favorite authors and really, any of his books could be put on a list such as this; however, this is my personal favorite and the one I would recommend the most. The Ocean at the End of the Lane really had that tone that I always look for in my reads at this time of year. Though I did not find it particularly scary, it’s strange and a bit dark and creepy, and the story is extremely captivating. It’s an incredibly unique tale and reads sort of like a myth or legend, which made it even more intriguing.

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3. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn – As the weather cools and the days grow shorter, there’s nothing like reading a good mystery novel. Gone Girl is an incredibly dark and disturbing story, full of surprising twists and unreliable narration; it’s a picture of insanity with frighteningly realistic characters and scenarios. This may not be a typical Halloween ghost story rooted in the world of the supernatural, but it shows that the natural world can be equally as chilling. Click here for my full, spoiler-free review.

4. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie – Of course Agatha Christie has to make the list! And Then There Were None is a story about ten strangers, each with a secret, who are brought together on a private island for a weekend by an anonymous host and are killed off one by one. In this novel, everyone is a suspect. This is not only one of my favorite novels of all time, but one of the best examples of a creepy story, perfect for Halloween, that doesn’t involve the supernatural.

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5. Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury – By this point, I’m sure you are seeing a pattern: here is another one of my all time favorite novels! This story focuses on two young boys whose town is visited by an evil carnival that appears suddenly one night. It brilliantly captures the mood of fall, and the plot fits the Halloween season well with its various oddities and magical realism. This novel is a spectacularly written tale, one that everyone should read at least once in their life; and what better time to read it than the end of October? I would very highly recommend checking out the film as well!

6. The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman – Switching gears for a minute, I thought I would throw in one of my favorite, creepy short stories. This is an intriguing story, the ultimate psychological drama. It is told in a journal format, a secret journal kept by a woman whose doctor and husband have forbade her from writing. She is being confined to her room, not permitted to doing anything but sit there, and she begins to imagine a world that’s hiding behind the yellow wallpaper covering her walls. This is such a gripping and eerie story, very fitting for the season.

murderontheorientexpress 1984

7. Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie – I just had to add another Agatha Christie novel to this list because not only is she one of my favorite authors, but also her novels are truly perfect for Halloween. This is a story starring her famous detective, Hercule Poirot, and is probably one of her most well-known and loved works. It is about a train that is stopped one night by a snowdrift, and in the morning, a man is found stabbed in his cabin, the door still locked from the inside. It is a fascinating mystery and one that definitely has a creepy, Halloween mood!

8. 1984 by George Orwell – 1984 portrays a dystopian world that is absolutely terrifying to imagine. This novel is also a bit frightening due to its relevance and connection to society today. Though it is unlikely that we will ever reach the point that the world has reached in this story, there is just the right amount of realism and personal narrative in it to make it something that the reader can connect to and imagine easily.

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9. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle – I chose The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes because it’s my favorite so far, however, any of the Sherlock Holmes novels would work. This is one book that may seem a little out of place on this list, but I personally think that fall is a wonderful time of year to be reading these stories. As I’ve already said, it’s the perfect time to be reading a good mystery, and these are some of the best. Full of suspense and intrigue, this is a novel that is wonderful to curl up by the fire with in the cooler months. Click here for my full, spoiler-free review.

10. Hamlet by William Shakespeare – This may seem like another strange one to add to this list, but I feel like this tale has the perfect atmosphere for this time of year. There’s mystery, insanity, murder, revenge, a ghost, everything you could possibly want for a good fall/Halloween read. Plus, it’s one of the best, if not the best, plays of all time.

Part Two: Favorite Covers

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  1. Shutter by Courtney Alameda
  2. Asylum by Madeleine Roux
  3. A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis
  4. The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero
  5. Through the Woods by Emily Carroll

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  1. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
  2. Slasher Girls and Monster Boys edited by April Genevieve Tucholke
  3. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
  4. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
  5. The Diviners by Libba Bray

What are your favorite Halloween reads? Any creepy cover designs you like? Let me know in the comments!



October 2015 TBR

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Yet another month has flown by!

Between the cooling weather, beautiful changing leaves, warm sweaters and boots, and pumpkins galore, October is my favorite month of the entire year. It is also the perfect time to curl up with a good (preferably dark or spooky) book. Fall always makes me feel particularly inspired to both read and work on my own writing; I get some of my best work done in these cooler months.

Since I am very much a mood reader, I find that I can never follow an exact reading list for a long period of time. For me, a TBR ends up being more of a guideline than something set in stone; a record of titles to help me prioritize my insanely massive collection of unread books.

I am still planning on finishing up a few that I did not get to last month, so I definitely will not be able to get to everything on this list. But these are the books that I am currently most eager to get to and/or really feeling in the mood to read, and I’m hoping to get to quite a few of them.

On a brief side note, I did not feel like I had enough to say in a wrap up this past month, so I plan on doing a dual one at the end of October!

  1. The Reluctant Sacrifice by Kerr-Ann Dempster


This is the book that I am currently reading, so it will be my first read of the month. I was sent this book for review, and so far I’ve really been enjoying it. I plan on finishing it up in the next couple of days, and there will be a review going up on here very soon after!

  1. Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen


This is a high priority read on my TBR for the month. I picked this book up and started it right when it was first released back in May. However, I ended up getting sidetracked with other books that I had either already started or was particularly excited to get to, so I ended up putting it aside for a while. Before that, I was really enjoying the story, so I would very much like to finish it up sometime this month.

  1. A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin


I find that, during the fall and winter, I tend to be particularly in the mood to read a good fantasy novel, as well as some lengthier books. This definitely falls into both of those categories. I have completely fallen in love with the television show over the past few months, and that has made me very motivated to read the actual novels themselves. So, between that and the weather, I am finally read to brave these 800+ pages! Or at least get started on them…

  1. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas


The Throne of Glass series is a series that I absolutely need to get started on! I’ve had this book for about a year now and I still have yet to get going on it. As I said, I’m definitely in the mood to read some fantasy right now, and this seems like it will be exactly what I am looking for. I have heard some mixed reviews about this first book, but overall positive thoughts about the series (so far) as a whole, so I am really hoping that I will enjoy these novels.

  1. The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh


For as long as I can remember, I have always loved a good retelling. The Wrath and the Dawn sounds as if it will be exactly that. I must admit I was a bit on the fence about it at first because, though retellings are wonderful, there have been a lot releasing lately and I’m finding that some of them are become too repetitive or generic. This one, however, I keep seeing and hearing almost solely positive reviews about, so I’m actually really looking forward to it, and I believe it will have that dark tone that I’m in the mood for this month.

  1. Vicious by V.E. Schwab


Vicious has been a high priority book for me ever since I first discovered it earlier this year, and it was at the top of my Fall TBR list. Nevertheless, somehow, I still have not yet gotten around to it. I’ve heard nothing but great things about this book and Victoria Schwab’s work in general, and I am absolutely determined to read this novel by the end of the month!

  1. The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero


This is a book that I have not heard much of anything about. I found it at the bookstore a few months back and the cover caught my eye instantly; it has a creepy, gothic type art style, which I love. As soon as I read the description, I thought it sounded like the kind of story I would enjoy, so I grabbed a copy, but I’ve been putting it off to use as an October/Halloween read. I’m definitely looking forward to finally getting to this novel and seeing what it’s all about.

  1. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman


This is another book that I purchased a copy of a long time ago and have been saving to use as an October/Halloween read. I am a massive fan of Neil Gaiman; he is one of my all-time favorite authors and a huge inspiration to me in my own writing. This is one of the few novels by him that I have not read yet, and I am very eager to get into it. I know that I will love it and it will fit the season perfectly!

My Most Anticipated Releases of October:

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  1. Binge by Tyler Oakely
  1. Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
  1. Through the Dark by Alexandra Bracken
  1. The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan
  1. The Amazing Book is Not on Fire by Dan Howell and Phil Lester

What’s on your TBR for October, and what are you most looking forward to reading this month? Let me know in the comments!

